Saturday, April 25, 2009' 4:55 PM
Finished the first week in NP. Kinda like what I see there, but I can't help feeling the atmosphere is a little...artificial? Maybe its because of the different environment, the school is big or the fakeness of the personalities of some people there.
A classmate told me this, when people go to Poly, they try to create for themselves a new personality, whether its in their nature, or something opposite of themselves. Basically, it means the people there are 'fake' in a kind of way.
Other than this uneasy feeling, I enjoyed school. Didn't really do much, we just simply told there's going to be alot of drawing, and its going to be very very techincal, kind of like DnT back in Secondary school.
Bleh. Short post ftw.
Thursday, April 16, 2009' 8:59 PM
I trust you all have heard of Susan Boyle. If not, Youtube her. That's some performance..
Click here for a link.Anway, tomorrow is my course's induction day, I can't wait. Will know my classmates and stuff like that.
Wednesday, April 15, 2009' 12:30 PM

Wish I'd discovered them earlier. The best part is, ALL of them still work.
Sunday, April 12, 2009' 4:09 PM
I'm not dead.
It's just....I have been lazy to do anything, but who knows? Maybe something interesting would pop up soon.
BTW, the ASEAN summit got cancelled in Thailand due to protestors, power to the people!