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Saturday, January 31, 2009' 1:42 PM

Yesterday pretty much went like this.

*ring ring*


*Sleeps* and wakes up to see numerous SMS messages and missed calls.

So, do I regret taking this course, i don't know, but being in a production house sounds fun. And since this is a media school.....sure got chio bu. *grins*

And then we went jamming,and since everyone's gonna chope and play the guitar, I took the liberty of picking up a few bass chords and some slapping/ pulling tips, which didn't come in handy as Alyfie thought me a very basic bass line to play "Pieces" by Sum-41. T'was fun.
The general 'band' line up was like this....

Alyfie - Guitar, vocals
Darren - Guitar, back up vocals
Me - Bass
Jing Long - Drums

...but this was before Matin, Meldric and BK came. And then it slowly but fun-tasticly degenerated to general anarchy, and noise.

And after that, we went to town and I bought a bermuda at Penin. We watched the Chingay parade, slacked by the Merlion and went home.

And by the way....

Goddamit Meng Huat and Yan Xun especially, stop fucking spamming other people's blogs with your fucking childish nonsense, what the fuck are you? Kids? Grow the fuck up, you sad, sad individuals.

And there, have a nice day everyone, adios.

Saturday, January 24, 2009' 3:15 PM


And again, happy belated birthday aminah, hope you enjoyed our surprise!
Kickass colleagues one can ever have.

Skipped the acoustic, jumped right to electric.

Oh and before i forget....

Friday, January 23, 2009' 7:41 PM

Students hug and have long passionate kiss - in school

Why is it that such things happen when I leave the school?? 4 years, and I've seen nothing as close as this.

One time, Miss Ang, my lit teacher, said that every year, the new batch is getting out of hand, and this year's graduated batch (my batch) is considered "tame".

And another thing, work has been killing me, and I've got other hobbies. Not too long ago, I've picked up the guitar again, and I'm focusing on it rather than blogging. So if I got the time, I will choose the guitar over blogging.


Sunday, January 18, 2009' 10:33 PM

I'm starting to think I'm not cut out for Poly at all.

Or JC for that matter. And forget ITE.

Maybe I should have gone into an art school. Like this one.

LASALLE College of the Arts

Art school seems to suit me. Here's a plan, if I don't get into Poly this year, I will apply for this school. Enrolment ends in April. Money is another factor, heck, I don't mind spending my pay check on this. Maybe my parents can foot the other half of the bill.

Yo-ho-ho, a wannabe artist life for me.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009' 8:52 PM

My O' Level results.

English language --> A1
Literature in English --> A2
Combined Humanities --> B3
Mathematics --> C6
Science (Phy/Chem) --> C5
Computer Studies --> B3
Chinese --> D7

L1R4 : 14
L1R5 : 20

ELR2B2-A = 15.

And if you are asking, yes, I have registered.

Go DVE!!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009' 8:51 PM

It's 'O'ver..

I made it. It paid off. I'm satisfied.

Now, a new chapter is about to unfold...

Monday, January 12, 2009' 10:32 AM

Good Luck.

Saturday, January 10, 2009' 11:48 AM

This is what I see, and I use widescreen.
Notice 'The Wall' section.

This is what others using normal resolutions see (on both IE and FF).

Friday, January 9, 2009' 7:08 PM

Yesterday was a day to remember.

A big thanks to you guys. I was really taken in by surprise and touched by your efforts. You guys are the best. I'm still excited like a freaking school girl now to blog anything seriously.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009' 8:48 PM

12 January is the day our O level results would be released.

I'm scared shitless.

piccy from here

Tuesday, January 6, 2009' 7:33 PM

Got my pay, and the amount of work put in =/= $$$ I got.

Nothing much happened at work today, except I got my payslip, in which they spelt my name wrong.

On another note, my comment at STOMP failed to clarify any misunderstanding in the article by Meldric. Fuck them.

2009 is going to suck. I'm sure. Don't ask.

Monday, January 5, 2009' 7:05 PM

Today, I was transferred to the Pioneer side for work.
Previously, I worked in the Clementi side. Which was terrible without doubt.

Why, Cus the new working place is better. Unlike the Clementi side, which was quiet, here is noisy as hell. We even had paperclip fights!! Damn, back in Clementi, I had to go through a lot of trouble just to get a lousy handful of paperclips. o.O

The office and my table.
Mike sits adjacent to me. Meldric, not far behind me.
The fabled haunted corridor.

Narrow corridor was narrow.

We walked the WHOLE WAY. Sadly, no hantus of any kind came to greet us. At the very end of the narrow winding stretch, is excitingly, a toilet. Yay.

Goddammit printer not again!!!!
Going postal!!
Move over cam-whoring in toilets. Cam-whoring in office is the shit.

I used to do culling in indexing. It was boring as hell. I even dreamt of it once i admit. In fact, I dreamt I was just simply culling things, nothing special happened, even in my dreams! In Pioneer, I am assigned to do scanning. The food in Pioneer however, is limited to an economic rice stall which was decent to say the least. In Clementi, they had a large variety of food that is not that bad.

Jing Long, hope you can join us soon. Here we can actually slack, SMS, start 'wars', waste office equipment and cuss loudly.

On other news, I commented on meldric's post on the drunk guy (see previous post) on STOMP. Look under 92ndletter. That's me.


I hope my comment clears up all misunderstanding. There was a lot of people posting negative comments because they cannot fucking infer.

That's why I hate the culture at STOMP.

Sunday, January 4, 2009' 12:47 AM

Jesus, it's a long today.

Woke up at around 9 plus to pay my secondary school a little visit along with a lot of guys. It was the CCA open house day. Those who dyed their hair over the holidays were barred from entry(!) but thatv was resolved when our former form teacher, Mr Lim, came to their rescue. Initially, they were granted 15 minutes, but in the end, they all overstayed. :)

It was busy as heck. I didn't hang around long enough though, and went home, stole a couple hours of break and went out again.

This time, to Peninsula.

Darren and Alyfie wanted to buy guitars. They bought one for less than a 100 bucks. It's black and uses nylon strings.

Testing out their new axe.

We played and fooled around with them. Hell, all of our guitar skills are rusty.
I've been thinking. maybe I should pick it up again.

Say cheese, sucka! (If you are one of these guys in this picture, no offense or anything. Please don't sue, I'll be flattered, but don't.)

Hanged around for a while before heading to Delphinna's house to celebrate her sister's birthday.

We had ICE CREAM CAKE. Two of my favourite things combined in one. Ice cream and cake. With this, one can reach nirvana. We left at about 11. 40.

Guess what greeted us at the train.

Yes. It is an drunk-out-passed-out guy. Notice the puke on his pants.

This isn't something you see everyday.

When we reached Boon Lay, I shouted "HEY BROTHER, WAKE UP!!" Meldric shouted something similar. The train guys came, dragged him out of there. That's when we took our leave. Lesson learnt: Don't get drunk and pass out in a crowded public place. Sucks to be the guy when he wakes up.

Got to catch some shut-eye now. Adios.

Thursday, January 1, 2009' 1:08 PM

Yesterday was the last day of year 2008! And to kickoff the new year, we went for the countdown at Vivo.

We arrived at about, 8 and we went for dinner.

Worst thing I've ever eaten.

After a hearty meal, we took our time and took pictures.

...and then we went to the rooftop. And after waiting for like 2 hours....
FIREWORKS! Sadly, we can't see much from where we were standing. So I didn't bother myself by taking a lot of photos. :P
....and right after the "exciting" countdown, it's time to go. Text messages are pouring in!
Ridin' the night train!
It's crowded all right.
As we alight in Boon Lay (a few of us) we decided to relax at the car park to talk and reminisce about 2008, the past and talk about our aspiritions and future.

And of course, took a lot of stupid photos. What a great way to start 2009!

.::!!AND HERE'S TO 2009!!::.

[About Me]

Hoe Yeen here, or just call me Kevin. Born in 8 of January, 17 this year.Used to study in Pioneer Primary, Boon Lay Secondary and currently awaiting poly posting results. Enjoys music. A lot.
Currently alive and kicking.

Here, I will blog about all the stuff I've done, just like any other blog. But, I may also blog about other things that capture my attention, like in the news or on the streets.


|Go ahead, tag, don't be shy|


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[The Wall]

Any ads/links/pictures you'd like plastered on here? Contact me.



Aww, leaving so soon?
Beng Khoon
Jing Long
Kai Fen
Leslie Lee
Leslie Loh
Li Ping
Si Ya
Sim Yee
Yih Loong
Ying Wei


December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009

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